
Klaviyo is a high-end autoresponder software for web marketers and startups. This software enables you to send not only e-mails, but also SMS and MMS messages, as well as push notifications. Klaviyo lets you perform A/B tests between two e-mails, and segment lists. En savoir plus sur Klaviyo.


AWeber is one of the oldest and best-known autoresponders. It's a popular tool for bloggers and solopreneurs, especially in the English-speaking market. In addition to its autoresponder functionalities, AWeber lets you create landing pages for easy funneling. En savoir plus sur AWeber.

Brevo (ex Sendinblue)

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is an e-mailing software, or autoresponder. As well as being able to send newsletters and automated e-mails like all autoresponders, Brevo lets you exclude lists when sending. Not all competitors can do this. En savoir plus sur Brevo (ex Sendinblue).


MailerLite is a competitor to Mailchimp, Brevo and GetResponse. It's an autoresponder, i.e. a tool that lets you program automatic e-mail or SMS sequences. Or to send one-shot e-mails or SMS to an entire list. En savoir plus sur MailerLite.


Mailchimp is the most widely used autoresponder in the world today. This software is also one of the most comprehensive. Not only can you send campaigns, but you can also program automatic e-mail sequences. Although it's not the cheapest autoresponder, it's very popular. En savoir plus sur Mailchimp.


GetResponse is an autoresponder widely used by bloggers and web marketers. The tool is simple and powerful. And you can use GetResponse with landing page software such as Instapage, Leadpages or Unbounce to create your own sales funnel. En savoir plus sur GetResponse.


MailJet is an autoresponder tool that offers the same features as its competitors (Mailchimp and Brevo, for example). These include newsletter and automation e-mailing. But MailJet is increasingly turning to AI to improve performance. En savoir plus sur MailJet.


ActiveCampaign is an e-mail marketing tool that lets you send newsletters (very useful in e-commerce), as well as e-mail campaigns (also known as e-mail sequences or automation). These automatic e-mail sequences are very useful for upsell offers, for example. En savoir plus sur ActiveCampaign.

Autoresponder software is an essential tool for automating email communication with your contacts. They enable you to manage email campaigns and create automated message sequences. Find out how these solutions can optimize your interactions with prospects and customers.

What is autoresponder software?

Responder software is a platform that automates the sending of emails to your contacts based on predefined triggers. It lets you create email sequences, schedule mailings, and manage contact lists. Autoresponders make it easy to send personalized messages on a large scale, improving the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Why use an autoresponder?

Using an autoresponder saves time and improves the effectiveness of your emailing campaigns. By automating message delivery, you can send welcome emails, follow-ups, promotions and newsletters without constant manual intervention. Autoresponders also help you segment your contact lists, personalize your messages and analyze campaign performance to optimize your marketing strategies.

What are the best autoresponder software?

Among the best autoresponder software are:

  • Mailchimp: Known for its ease of use and advanced segmentation features, ideal for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Aweber: Appreciated for its newsletter creation tools and intuitive automations.
  • GetResponse: Offers comprehensive functionality including autoresponders, webinars and landing pages.
  • ConvertKit: Renowned for its advanced email segmentation and sequence creation features, particularly popular with content creators.
  • ActiveCampaign: Offers sophisticated marketing automation and integrated CRM tools for comprehensive campaign management.

What are the fees for an autoresponder expert?

Rates for autoresponder experts vary according to experience and services requested. In general, fees can range from 50 to 100 euros per hour for specific tasks, or 300 to 1500 euros for complete projects, including configuration, creation of email sequences and performance analysis. Rates can fluctuate depending on the complexity of the project and the level of expertise required.

What autoresponder-related services can you find on BeFreelancr?

On BeFreelancr, you'll find a diverse range of services to optimize the use of your autoresponders. Our freelancers can help you with:

  • Configuring and integrating autoresponder software
  • Creating and managing automated email sequences
  • Designing email templates and newsletters
  • Segmenting your contact lists and optimizing campaigns
  • Analyzing performance and tracking conversion rates
  • Implementing A/B testing to improve campaign results

Where canWhere can I find an autoresponder specialist?

On BeFreelancr, you can easily find autoresponder specialists ready to meet your specific needs. Our platform lets you view profiles of experienced freelancers, compare reviews and rates, and choose the professional who best matches your goals. Whether you need initial configuration or ongoing management of your email campaigns, BeFreelancr is the ideal solution for getting the expertise you need.