Descubra a plataforma BeFreelancr
Ganhe dinheiro vendendo seus serviços
No BeFreelancr, você pode oferecer quantos serviços desejar, escolhendo suas tarifas, opções e prazos. Você não tem assinatura a pagar para poder oferecer seus serviços.
Você receberá 60% em cada uma de suas vendas. Por que 60%? Porque o BeFreelancr tem seu próprio programa de afiliados. Os afiliados promoverão seus serviços e receberão uma comissão em troca de suas recomendações.
A propósito, se você promover seus próprios serviços, receberá 60% de comissões como freelancer e 20% em todos os pedidos de clientes vitalícios, como afiliado.

Ganhe dinheiro com marketing afiliado
No BeFreelancr, o programa de afiliados é muito abrangente, pois quando você patrocina uma pessoa, você recebe comissões quando ela compra serviços, quando eles vendem serviços e quando recomendam serviços.
Quando um de seus indicados compra um serviço, você recebe 20% do pedido. Quando uma referência oferece seus serviços, você recebe 5% por cada uma de suas vendas. E quando uma referência recomenda seus serviços ou os de outro freelancer, você toca em 5% em suas recomendações.
Mas isso não é tudo! Quando alguém se inscreve no seu link, ele se torna sua referência ao longo da vida. Portanto, você recebe comissões sem limite de tempo graças às suas referências. Quer estejam comprando serviços, vendendo serviços ou recomendando serviços.
Todo mundo é recompensado por seu trabalho
Se você cumprir a missão ou compartilhar a plataforma com outra pessoa, você será recompensado! Para participar do BeFreelancr, você não precisa ser patrocinado.

Perguntas sobre BeFreelancr
Can I register from all countries?
Absolutely ! BeFreelancr is available everywhere. Besides, we offer different withdrawal methods for your commissions. And we will add new ones over time.
How to create an account on BeFreelancr?
To register, it's very simple, you just have to click here and fill in the account creation form. You can immediately publish your services, make affiliation or buy the services you need.
Is registration free?
Absolutely ! Whether you want to offer your services or become an affiliate, you will have no monthly subscription or registration fees. Our goal is to work with as many serious people as possible.
How much will I earn on each order?
As a service seller, you earn 60% on every order. This commission rate is explained by the fact that BeFreelancr has an affiliate program that allows affiliate partners to promote the platform's services, including yours.
On other platforms, commission rates for sellers are higher, but sellers of services are obliged to promote themselves. On BeFreelancr, it is the affiliates who promote you. So they are rewarded when they bring you a sale.
How many commissions does BeFreelancr take?
Here is how the commissions are distributed on BeFreelancr:
- 60% goes back to the seller
- 30% goes to the affiliate and sponsors
- 3% goes to the payment gateway (Stripe or PayPal)
- 7% return to the BeFreelancr platform
On BeFreelancr, the price displayed is what the customer actually pays. There are no bank charges in addition to the price: Everything is included.
Should we put higher prices on BeFreelancr?
As we saw earlier, on BeFreelancr there is an affiliate program that allows you to find more clients for your freelance missions. But of course, these affiliates are paid on sales.
As a freelancer, you get 60% and affiliates and sponsors get 30%. For its part, the BeFreelancr platform takes 10% commission (including 3% for bank charges).
We could say to ourselves that it is necessary to sell more expensive than by selling to a direct customer, since you perceive 60%. But what you have to understand is that in normal times, a freelancer spends more than half of his time prospecting. With BeFreelancr, the goal is to work 100% of the time (it is the affiliates who prospect for freelancers)!
Should you prospect to promote your own services?
The goal of BeFreelancr is that freelancers do not need to prospect to sell their services. It is the affiliates who prospect for them.
But if you wish, you can of course talk about your services around you. In this case, do not forget to put your affiliate link. Note that you do not need to create another account to affiliate: Your account is used to sell your services, to affiliate and possibly to buy if you wish.
Do I need multiple accounts to sell, buy and promote services?
A single account is enough to do everything on the platform. And since we have our own affiliate program, you don't need to register on an external platform. Everything is done directly on BeFreelancr.
What services can we offer?
BeFreelancr is an online services marketplace. You can therefore offer your services in these categories: Website/application creation and management, graphics, writing, translation, SEO, web marketing, community management, video and audio, etc. You can find all the categories on the home page.
How do I offer my services?
When you create your account, you can add as many services as you want. In your Seller Space, you can easily create and manage your services.
How is an order made?
When your service is validated, it is visible on the platform. Customers can order. They then buy your service but their money is blocked until you complete the order. This is to protect sellers (who are sure to get paid) and customers (who are sure to get their order or be refunded if the order is cancelled).
Can we promote all affiliate services?
Absolutely ! You can promote your own services, or the services of other sellers. All BeFreelancr services can be recommended as an affiliation. As an affiliate, you earn 20% for life on all purchases from people you refer.
How to promote a service?
First, you must create an account to retrieve your affiliate link in the affiliate space. Then, to promote a service, you can for example write an article on your blog, make a video on your channel, comment on blogs or YouTube channels or share the service on Facebook groups related to the theme.
What are the withdrawal methods?
Currently, you can receive your commissions via bank transfer, PayPal and Payoneer. Please let us know if other withdrawal methods would work for you. We will continually add more.
On what amount should I pay charges and taxes?
You only pay charges and taxes on the amounts you collect. So you do not pay charges and taxes on all turnover, but only on your commissions that you have received.
When you want to receive your commissions, you send us an invoice with the amount of your available commissions. This is the amount you will declare.