Vast collection - it's a collection of other collections - so a MEGA collection of 36 GB available for download.
For 12€ you get 19 million PLR articles + Bonus (6000 e-books PLR....)
Good for community managers, for your social networks, for a successful marketing strategy, for your social media presence, quality content ...
With many bonuses
6000 ebooks MRR and PLR Health, sport, fitness, marketing, business....
1.7 Billion US and UK email addresses
PLR Training
PLR Cash Domination - fast product creation
PLR Tidal Wave - create your own PLR products
Newbies training -Training Videos
Profit Pulling PLR strategies
PLR niches & profits reports
63000 + Monster PLR articles
Heavy Metal Marketing templates - graphic templates
50 eCovers & Headers - professionally designed and ready for your next product
Hot reports - how to start a successful internet business
✅ The magic of the web is that you can buy ready-made content. This content comes with rights. You must scrupulously respect these rights.
We are basically talking about three types of rights:
1. The simple resale right:
When you buy a product with a simple resale right, you can resell the product... as is. You cannot modify it in any way, nor can you offer any rights to it. As the name suggests, you can only resell it, which in some cases can be sufficient and financially satisfying.
Generally it is allowed to insert your own affiliate links to the products referred to by the author in his e-book.
2. The master resale right:
This right is similar to what we have just seen. The only difference is that the person who buys the product includes the simple resale right, but it allows your customer to resell the product in turn.
Generally it is allowed to insert its own affiliate links to the products referred to by the author in his e-book.
3. Private label rights: (PLR)
✅ There are no restrictions. Really none. You are allowed to put your name on the product, modify or not modify the content to make a unique product with your name on it, and you can adapt it in many forms.
**** Important :****
Whatever product you buy, take the time to read the License Agreement to understand what you can and cannot do with the content.
The English equivalent:
Resale Rights (RR) / Droit de resvente Simple
Master Resale Rights (MRR)
Private Label Rights (PLR) => Droit de label privé (DLP)
It is quite obvious of the benefits that can come from buying content on the Internet.
- You can resell them with or without modification.
- You can change the author's name and put your own name.
- You can offer them as a bonus in a paid package.
- You can use them to enrich your website.
✅ **And most importantly You keep all the profits. **

Order in seconds and in complete safety.

Exchange via messaging from the beginning to the end of the mission.

Validate the delivery of the order to release the payment for the seller.